


《NOKE 忠泰樂生活》商場位於台北市大直,結合策展、選品、美食及冰雪運動,演繹新當代城市生活風格。Come Together For A Better Living!Located in Dazhi, Taipei City, the NOKE mall combines curation, product selection, gourmet food, and snow sports to present a new style of contemporary urban living. Come Together For A Better Living!


100室內設計是一家匯聚全台灣的設計公司、裝修設計作品、裝修知識和經驗的裝修平台,幫你輕鬆解決裝修難題,找靈感更容易!100 Interior Design is a decoration platform that brings together design companies, decoration design works, decoration knowledge and experience from all over Taiwan to help you easily solve decoration problems and find inspiration more easily!

digit marketing Co., Ltd

數字廣告,新世代數位房產行銷的開拓者。digit Marketing Co., Ltd, the innovators of the new era of digital real estate marketing.

NoMad Om Factory

With the nomadic spirit of freedom through disciplined practice, we will Unchaining the body.Dedicated to providing a healing urban oasis to activate the key to spirituality in body and mind.

諾瑪生活 NoMad living

這個世界不缺乏美  需要的是能看見美的眼睛。諾瑪推廣銷售多元品牌瑜珈服飾,各類設備輔具等生活周邊商品,讓練習瑜珈舞蹈的大家都能夠使用到最優質的產品,讓學習事半功倍,也讓生活更增添美感與色彩。There is no lack of beauty in this world, what is needed are eyes that can see it.NoMad living promotes and sells a wide range of branded yoga clothing, various types of equipment and accessories, and other peripheral products, so that everyone practicing yoga and dance can use the best quality products, so that learning is twice as effective, and life is more beautiful and colorful.

漾 空中舞蹈工作室

漾空中舞蹈工作室位於六張犁接運站附近,挑高6米空間,多元且豐富課程內容。Young Aerial Dance Studio located near the Rizhangli transit station, the 6-meter high studio offers a wide variety of classes.

初衣⻝午 Onefifteen

onefifteen初衣食午為台灣最具指標的選品店。於2013年開設首家旗艦店,秉持著獨特性與前瞻性的視野,匯聚奢華的高級訂製時裝與話題街頭潮流品牌,同時培育華人潛力新銳設計師,成為全球當紅潮流人士必訪台灣的時尚地標。onefifteen is the most prestigious and recognized concept store in Taiwan, Taipei. onefifteen opened its two-floor flagship boutique in 2013. We carefully select luxury ready-to-wear, fashion-forward streetwear, and proactively foster our promising Asian designers. Our idiosyncratic and cutting edgy aesthetic on the selection of apparel successfully attracts fashionista’s attention around the world.

星醫美學集團 STARNIC

星醫美學集團旗下包含三大品牌:星醫美學院、星和愛漂亮及星采保養品,並長年在美麗與「大健康」領域耕耘,守護用戶的健康與美麗,希望大家都能擁有更美好的生活方式。STARNIC founded in 2008, we have 15 branches in Taiwan and 40 Star and Love Beauty Salons, together with our Star Harvest skincare brand. We have served over 400,000 high-end self-funded users, not only providing beauty but also ensuring a healthy lifestyle, safeguarding the desire of every heart to become beautiful and healthy.


禧悅生產後護理之家專業、充滿愛心,並始終圍繞著家庭所需,提供全方位的醫療服務,且致力於建立一個愛與平靜及舒適的環境。SweetSun Postpartum Nursing Care Center provides comprehensive medical services. Our team is professional and compassionate, fostering an atmosphere suffused with love, calm, and comfort.


每個人身上都有太陽,重點是如何讓它發光。---蘇格拉底LE BORN 選用無彩色系作為溝通色調。
"In every person there is a sun. Just let them shine."  -SocratesOur philosophy is to ignite the distinct brilliance in each. Our products boast a simple, stylish design and Achromatic hues that make them truly divine. Monochrome shades of black, white, and gray that match and accentuate all color.

德之寶 Doppelherz

德國雙心品牌已經有百年的歷史,我們服務理念是 “將顧客的健康放在我們心中”是德國和歐洲家喻戶曉的品牌。The brand Doppelherz has a long tradition and today stands for trusted quality products for the health and well-being of the whole family. Doppelherz offers a variety of high-quality vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts and special nutrients for an active and healthy lifestyle.

霓淨思 Neogence

「專業肌膚保養・美好生活體驗」台灣醫美保養品牌,秉持嚴謹與實證精神,持續研究創新,每個環節細心把關,打造高效、純粹、友善的保養品只提供最好的肌膚照顧。“Better Skin, Better Life, Better World”Based on scientific evidence, we create effective, simple, and friendly skin care products with a rigorous attitude. Careful with every single detail just to provide you with the best skin care experience.

愛康 Lamorcom 

Lamorcom 為「愛康製藥」的旗下保健食品品牌,其意涵即為「Lamor愛+coming健康美好自然到來」,初衷是希望以女性角度出發,幫助更多女性達到更美的境界,傳遞「愛自己的女人,必然最美」的理念。 Lamorcom is a health food brand under "Aykang Pharmaceutical". Its meaning is "Lamor is love yourself in spanish  and coming health and beauty naturally". The original intention is to help more women achieve a more beautiful state from a female perspective and convey "Love yourself" The concept that "women must be the most beautiful".

植蘊 Planté


Planté meticulously crafts delicious and nutritious “fooderages”, making sharing easier and bringing forth better possibilities for life.

19 again

19again,情書系生活保養品牌。從精油與生活美學出發,研製系列「細膩寵愛」相關產品,給予在工作及生活中奮鬥的每個人,添上最適當的溫度陪伴。Charting a new course in the beauty industry with a philosophy that far exceeds just aesthetics care. 19again’s focus extends beyond mere skincare; it embodies a comprehensive approach to well-being that encompasses whole-body self-care, mindfulness and nurturing yourself from within.

花見花生 Hanami Kasei

在一盞盞的燭火和源於大自然的香氣之間, 陪你開創人生的幸福時刻。期待相遇,每一個相視而笑的緣分。Hanami Kasei offers pure essential oils and the best candles to accompany you in creating joyful moments in life.


緣起於 1999 年,強化創新與純熟的按摩技術,結合穴道經脈、肌肉、骨骼、筋膜等科學化知識,客製化按摩調理體驗。 用職業運動員的按摩水準,客製化照顧每一個職業。Originating in 1999, we have been enhancing innovative and refined massage techniques, combining scientific knowledge of meridians, muscles, bones, fascia, and more. We provide a customized massage and conditioning experience. Customize care for each profession using the massage standards of professional athletes.

司旅 ChezNous

Chez nous司旅,為法語「歡迎來到我家」之意。位在師大附中與附中公園旁,永久棟距創造了台北市稀有的舒適窗景;鄰近捷運大安站,讓您輕鬆遨遊雙北。Chez Nous Hotel, meaning "Welcome to My Home" in French. Located near The Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University, our permanent building creates a rare and comfortable window view in the bustling city. With a convenient location near Daan Station, you can easily explore both Taipei cities with seamless transportation.